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Welcome from the Office of the Bursar

The Bursar's Office is here to provide you with your direct cost of attendance, payment information, refunds, financial holds and alternative payment options at Concordia University. We interact with students, parents, faculty, staff and administrators along with outside agencies either in person, by phone, or by email. 我们的目标是让你在康考迪亚的经历在经济上尽可能可行, provide outstanding service while maintaining a high level of integrity, honesty, and professional ethics.

房屋罚款和图书馆罚款等罚款必须在部门截止日期前全额缴纳. 在此期限内未支付或上诉的罚款被视为拖欠, and the amount of the fine will be added to the student's account. Should you have questions about fines, please contact the appropriate department.

Location & Hours

Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m to 4:30 p.m.

North Grimm Hall Bldg., 1st Floor
Concordia University
1530 Concordia West
Irvine, CA 92612-3203
Phone (949) 214-3075
Fax (949) 214-3073

Mission Statement


Payment Information

您的直接费用包括:学费、杂费、食宿费(如果适用). 这些费用与助学金(助学金和奖学金)和付款一起反映在你的学生账单上. Bills are sent to the e-mail addresses you have entered in MyRecords prior to the beginning of each semester.

无论您是否收到学生账单,付款必须在到期日之前收到(见上文). 学生有完全的责任遵守他/她的学费和住宿费的支付期限. 如果您进行的更改导致成本增加(在付款截止日期之后), 变更后,您必须全额支付差额. Tuition charges and fees are assessed when the student registers. 住宿费和伙食费是根据我们的住房办公室发出的任务来评估的. 学生有责任确保所有必要的文件提交并由正确的部门批准,以允许住房和膳食费用反映在学费账单上. 所有的学费、杂费、住宿费和餐费都要在截止日期前支付,以免被收取100美元的滞纳金. 不支付学费不构成正式退学/退学.

Payments can be mailed in, made in person, or online. We accept cash, check and e-check, money order, and cashier's check.

Housing | Room and Board Payment Policy

学生必须在公布的付款截止日期前支付食宿费和学杂费,才有资格入住大学宿舍. If the student chooses to withdraw from housing, 他们必须与住宿生活办公室联系并填写必要的表格,以便退出有效. 退款百分比将使用与学杂费相同的公式/日期计算. If a student withdraws from housing or is terminated, the meal plan is turned off, and they will be held responsible for payment of the meal plan.


学生可以在第一天上课后申请从多余的学生资助中获得退款. 所有的财政援助要求和文件必须完成并批准之前,你的退款要求.

To process your refund most efficiently, 我们需要有效的银行账户信息和当前地址. 有了这些信息,退款将存入您的支票或储蓄账户. 如欲安排直接存入您的首选银行户口,请填妥 online authorization form.

Financial Holds

A student who has past due debt to the University will be assessed a Bursar Hold. 他们将不被允许注册大学的任何课程. Holds are released when payment is received.

Alternative Payment Options

We provide semester Payment Plans and Alternative and Parent PLUS Loans as alternative payment methods. We will work with you to find the best option for you. If you enroll in a Payment Plan with Transact, you will carry a balance until all payments are made. 学生有责任核实计划金额是否将支付他们的学期余额. 支付计划账户将受到大学酌情决定的财务控制.

Returned or Nonsufficient (NSF) Payments

如果你提交了学费和杂费的付款,而银行因未付款而退回, 付款将被撤销,您将承担退回付款的费用. 以下是关于为什么支票可能被银行退回并影响你的学生账户的其他信息. The nonpayment may be caused by a number of reasons such as:

  • insufficient funds
  • a closed account
  • a non-transaction account
  • 使用无效的帐户或路由号码(无法找到银行报告帐户)

一旦我们收到银行拒绝付款的通知,您将收到一封电子邮件,如果向您的帐户付款没有通过. 妥益支付智付或你的银行通知退回物品后, 您有责任立即支付未付款项和任何相关费用.  您的帐户也可能会被会计冻结,无法使用我们的在线支付系统.

Late Fees

If you fail to meet the payment deadline, 您将根据付款截止日期收取滞纳金. 如果您有关于您的延迟付款的情有可依的情况,请发送电子邮件到 [email protected],在除滞纳金外的余额结清后,注明以下内容:

  • Your full name and student identification number
  • The semester or semesters in which you received the late payment fee
  • The circumstances that you wish to be reviewed

Financial Aid and Scholarship Recipients

如果你的经济援助和/或奖学金不能支付你的学期费用, 你有责任为剩余的学费寻找其他支付方式. 账单的信用/预期信用部分反映了学校以你的名义收到的任何援助. 如果您知道账单上没有反映您的援助,请与负责您援助的一方联系:

需要注意的是,学生必须注册全日制才能获得经济援助. 如果学生注册的课程少于12个单元,学生有责任通知助学金办公室. Please visit Financial Aid or The Bursar's Office for further information.

Please use this website as a resource, 因为所提供的信息旨在帮助您快速有效地回答有关大学费用和学分的问题. If, after searching our website you do not find the information you need, please do not hesitate to contact us via phone, email or come visit us on campus. We are here to be a resource to the families and students of Concordia.

We wish you a successful academic year,
Dr. Edgar Lόpez

  • Your full name and student identification number
  • The semester or semesters in which you received the late payment fee
  • The circumstances that you wish to be reviewed
    • CUI Scholarships, Federal & State Financial Aid, and Loans: contact the CUI Financial Aid Office.
    • Outside resources: contact the source of your scholarship or grant
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