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By declaring a minor, 你将有机会追求专业以外的兴趣. 在你感兴趣的领域获得额外的知识也会对你未来的职业生涯有所帮助! 这不仅会让你的技能和知识更加全面, 但你也会向未来的雇主证明,你愿意努力工作,并超出他们的期望.
本课程涵盖了使用c#编程语言进行计算机编程和算法设计的基本原理. The class addresses basic language syntax, branching, looping, exceptions, I/O, string processing, best practices, 以及编写高质量计算机程序的工具. 它还介绍了将用高级语言编写的程序转换为中间语言的过程,以及操作系统如何加载和执行它. 本课程的学生将能够编写在微软操作系统上运行的基本程序 .. NET框架和开源的Mono.
本课程探讨计算机系统的功能组成部分, 包括它们在不同层次上的硬件实现和管理, and their interaction, characteristics, and performance. The course will include process management, I/O devices, interrupt structures, resource and memory management, and file systems. Prerequisite: C- or better in CSC 104.
本课程探讨数据结构和相关算法的基本概念. 主题包括数组、结构、堆栈、队列、链表、树、图和哈希表. 学生将实现数据结构及其相关算法, 我们也会编写完整的程序来利用这些数据结构. 其他要讨论的主题包括递归、搜索、排序和设计权衡. Prerequisite: C- or better in CSC 104.
本课程考察使用高级语言进行有纪律的编程,特别强调程序设计, style, efficiency and documentation. Topics include syntax and semantics, statement and subprogram control, data types and data control, 设计和实现问题以及源代码控制. Offered alternate years. Prerequisite: C- or better in CSC 104.
本课程介绍计算机网络的结构和组成, functions and services. 此外,本课程还讨论了当前的协议、技术和性能问题. 课程内容包括计算机网络应用层、数据通信基础. 网络层与路由、网络安全等选课课题. Offered alternate years. Prerequisite: C- or better in CSC 104.
本课程考察学生使用Java解决面向对象编程技术的问题. 主题包括异常处理、泛型、继承、设计模式和数据结构. Offered alternate years. Prerequisite: C- or better in CSC 212.
本课程概述了服务器端编程中使用的编程和数据库技术. Topics include handling web form data, SQL, database design, security considerations, stored procedures, n-tier architecture, 传输和数据编码技术. Offered alternate years. Prerequisites: C- or better in CSC 316.
本课程探讨计算机系统的功能组成部分, 包括硬件实现和管理, major hardware components, 计算机的外围设备和执行功能的设备之间的相互关系. 学生将学习微处理器的概念, data transfer and control methods, program sequencing, 指令集与记忆组织理论. Offered alternate years. Prerequisite: C- or better in CSC 104.
本课程探讨信息和网络安全的基础知识. 主题将包括计算机系统安全的实践, operating system security, network security, software security, web security and cryptography algorithms. Offered alternate years. Prerequisites: C- or better in CSC 210 and CSC 316.
Computer operating systems; topics include time sharing, process communication, memory management, storage allocation, 操作系统和计算机系统体系结构之间的相互关系. Offered alternate years. Prerequisites: C- or better in CSC 210 and CSC 212.
这门课程将包括关系和函数的研究, graph theory, counting principles and combinatorics, set theory, Boolean algebra, code theory, linear programming, and other selected topics. Prerequisite: C- or better in MTH 271. Offered alternate years.
本课程介绍数值分析的基本算法. 主题可能包括代数方程的数值解, interpolation and approximation methods, 线性和非线性方程组的近似数值解, 以及数值微分和积分. Prerequisite: C- or better in CSC 104 and MTH 272. Offered alternate years.
这门实践课程将侧重于设计, fabrication, and testing of analog electronic circuits, circuit components, 并特别强调了电子测试设备的使用. Lab time is included in the schedule. A lab fee is required. Prerequisite: C- or better in PHY 221 or consent of instructor.
这门实践课程将侧重于设计, fabrication, and testing of digital electronic circuits, circuit components, 并特别强调对数字电路和器件的编程和计算机控制. Lab time is included in the schedule. A lab fee is required. Prerequisites: C- or better in PHY 221 and PHY 315 or consent of instructor.
Current students, 请注意:这里列出的要求可能不反映该辅修课程的最新课程,也可能不是您要完成辅修课程的目录年的要求. Please refer to the Academic Catalog 对于官方要求,你必须符合资格.
有关康考迪亚大学欧文分校计算机科学专业的更多信息, we invite you to contact us directly.
Julie Melberg Mathematics and Computer Sciences Chair [email protected] 949-214-3295
Provide us your contact information, 我们的招生顾问会很乐意给你发送更多赌博十大平台排行项目的信息.
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Memorial Service for George Wright May 5, 2:00 PM CU Center
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