Follow 你的 Callings — Wherever They Lead
Are you finding it difficult to choose a major? Perhaps you’re interested in multiple subjects? 五月be you’d like to continue practicing music or art, but would also like to study history or 英语? The liberal 艺术 major may be the ideal degree for you.
未来学家和哲学家阿尔文·托夫勒曾写道:“21世纪的文盲将不是那些不会读写的人, 但那些不会学习的人, 抛掉以前的想法, 和重新学习.“这个专业最大的优势之一是有机会Explore人文学科的思想, 艺术, 自然科学与社会科学, and the ability to learn how to think critically, 分析, 解决问题, 沟通良好. 在自由社会里, 现在比以往任何时候都更需要这一点,这是通往21世纪所需的扫盲之路.
这个专业根植于古希腊的文科传统(自由公民的技能)。, 包括人文学科(艺术), 文学, 语言学), 社会科学(历史), 法), 自然科学(生物学), 化学, 物理), 以及形式科学(数学), 逻辑, 统计数据). Students study the best of human thought and creativity across time and across cultures. 除了, the major encourages you to combine disciplines in a unique way, asking you to 视图 your education as an intertwined, 而不是划分, 经验.
Choose from any of our liberal 艺术 emphases to round out your degree:
作为赌博十大平台排行文科专业的学生, 你会发现,我们敬业的教职员工致力于提供一个环境,在这里你可以追求自己的兴趣,以及成为明智的必要技能, 可敬的, and cultivated citizens – wherever your career leads you.
Developing Wise, Honorable, and Cultivated Citizens