心理学是研究大脑和思想起源的科学, and a rapidly growing field delving into one of the most complex systems -- the human mind. While some areas of the scientific community look at symptoms, psychology aims to look at the cause. 是什么造就了我们? 什么是先天,什么是后天? Investigate how certain innate or environmental traits affect the individual and society in general. 在这个庞大的项目中, you will take a journey to deepen your understanding of people and through healthy, 科学的怀疑, 个人和专业成长的结果.
来自20世纪伟大的精神分析学家, 到今天的突破, you can develop a core understanding of the principles of psychology with the Bachelor of Art degree at Concordia. Explore neuro-structure and function, to analyses of mental conditions and disorders. 通过各种各样的话题, we will help foster your curiosity in all the things the field is discovering about human behavior. We scientifically inquire into some of the big questions about human thoughts, actions, and emotions, 它们是如何运作的,又是如何相互作用的.
作为一个心理学专业的学生, 你毕业时将具备市场所需的技能, 包括有效沟通的能力, problem solve, 发展和维持一个合理的论点, 收集和分析数据, 独立学习和思考. 许多毕业生进入临床工作,并作为心理学家进步, 社会学家和人类学家. 你的学位也可以为你从事管理工作做好准备, social work, 市场营销和广告, demography, 或者政策分析.
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